Are you facing challenges recruiting patients for your studies?

Did you know that Research Hive offers Site Coordinator Support?

Beginning in 2021, we launched an essential service to support patient recruitment efforts for enrolling studies!

Research Hive Can Perform the Following:

  • Chart Review and follow-up *our most popular service*

  • Data entry into the EDC system

  • Phone screening of potential patients

  • Scheduling appointments for patients

  • Placing appointment reminder calls to patients

  • Coordinating transportation assistance

  • Providing and discussing approved study materials with patients

  • Maintaining contact with patients in the "screening" phase to reduce "drop-outs" during that time period

  • Acting as the Study Coordinator

  • AE/SAE document management support

  • Other duties, as agreed to by Sponsor, Research Hive, and Site, provided that they are included in the approved scope document

  • Integrating a high sense of urgency and commitment to your study, to the entire site staff, focusing on the importance of every single potential patient

The Harsh Reality

Many research sites encounter significant challenges in managing their studies effectively due to limited resources and staffing constraints. Often, site staff are tasked with overseeing multiple studies concurrently, which restricts their ability to allocate the necessary time and attention to each project. Consequently, there is a tendency for sites to prioritize studies that are simpler to enroll participants in or have been active for a shorter period.

This focus shift away from studies that are more challenging to enroll, or those that have been open for an extended duration, can undermine the overall success of a research endeavor. It is crucial for sites to enroll a sufficient number of patients to meet study requirements, which, in turn, compounds their workload. Particularly in fields like Ophthalmology, where there has been a surge in study enrollment, the aspiration to succeed is evident. However, the lack of adequate time and resources often prevents these sites from managing multiple studies efficiently, potentially compromising the quality of the research conducted.

Benefits of Site Coordinator Support

Unlock the full potential of your research endeavors with Research Hive's exclusive Clinical Research Coordinator support team. We pledge to dedicate the essential time, focus, and effort required to propel your study to success. Your priorities shape our mission, ensuring that 'study fatigue' becomes a relic of the past. With our bespoke Clinical Research Coordinator Services, we’re committed to doing whatever it takes for you and your sites to thrive beyond expectations.

We pride ourselves on our flexible approach, tailored to honor the unique nature of each site and its diverse needs. Together, we'll craft a comprehensive 'scoping document' for your project, outlining the precise number of support hours per week, the planned duration of our engagement, and, most critically, the particular tasks we will undertake to advance your study.

We’ll share weekly reports on our activities and results, ensuring transparency. Your study isn't just another task—it's a priority we're dedicated to with care and strategy.

Let us do the heavy lifting for your team and expedite your study’s recruitment goals!


If you're interested, please reach out to us for an in-depth look at how our services can contribute to the success of your studies. Contact us today and take the first step towards seamless research coordination.

Brian Harry, CTO and Head of Operations

Jillian Schmitz, Project Manager